Loess regression in phoenix winnonlin
Loess regression in phoenix winnonlin


Therefore, the percentage of water-stable macroaggregates (> 250 μm) (WSA) and the soil mean weight diameter (MWD) was analyzed, as well as nutrient contents, pH, root length, and AMF abundance. Here, we tested the hypothesis that soil aggregation will be affected by nutrient additions primarily via changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) hyphae and root length in a pristine tropical forest system. Nutrient additions may affect soil structure indirectly by simultaneous shifts in biotic factors, mainly roots, and fungal hyphae, but also via impacts on abiotic soil properties. Carbon protection is mediated by soil aggregation processes, whereby biotic and abiotic factors influence the formation and stability of aggregates. Tropical ecosystems have an important role in global change scenarios, in part because they serve as a large terrestrial carbon pool.

  • 7Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador.
  • 6Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
  • 5Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.
  • 4Geoecology, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
  • 3Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.
  • 2Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research, Berlin, Germany.
  • loess regression in phoenix winnonlin

  • 1Plant Ecology, Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • Papathanasiou 3, Antje Förster 1,2, Karla Dietrich 4, Dietrich Hertel 5, Jürgen Homeier 5, Yvonne Oelmann 4, Pål A. Note: Ensure that you include page numbers in the footer at the bottom of each page.Tessa Camenzind 1,2 *, Helena J.
  • Write your final report to include the following components:.
  • Create a figure that can display key PK parameters vs Study Cohort.
  • Concentration should be presented on a linear and log y-axis. Create a separate plot for each of the Study Cohorts.
  • Create a plot with individual concentration vs time profiles, each subject should have its own line on the plot.
  • Create two figures one with a linear concentration y-axis and one with a log concentration y-axis.
  • Create a mean + SD concentration vs time figure grouped by Study Cohort.
  • Present individual and summary statistics of PK parameters to 3 significant figures.
  • Create a table which presents PK parameter data and summary statistics.
  • Present individual concentration data to the same precision as provided in the bioanalytical data and summary statistics to 3 significant figures.
  • Create a table which presents individual concentration data and summary statistics by timepoint.
  • Use Phoenix WinNonlin to conduct a noncompartmental analysis including the following tables and figures:.
  • Read the study design, analysis plan above.
  • loess regression in phoenix winnonlin

    TIME and TIMEU columns represent actual time of the PK sample and the units of time respectively. Pharmacokinetic data are contained within the PK merge file. Ensure that you include page numbers in the footer at the bottom of each page. Do refer to regulatory guidances as appropriate for this study and as have been discussed in class. Do not include generalizations on what is pharmacokinetics or the benefits of pharmacokinetics in drug development, the FDA already knows this. Write clearly, concisely and in context of this particular study.


    Keep in mind that this is a professional report that is intended to be submitted to the FDA in support of filing a new drug application for approval. Interpretation of the results is fundamental to this final project. Your manager will expect you to make study conclusions that are supported by the data and can be used to support patient dosing information. The expectations of your manager are that you accurately conduct the PK analysis based on the analysis plan below, create the tables and figures as planned and write up a high quality PK report that documents all the findings from the clinical study and presents data in a clear and concise manner.

    loess regression in phoenix winnonlin

    Create tables and figures and describe the findings in your report.


    Read the study design, analysis plan below and conduct a noncompartmental analysis in Phoenix WinNonlin using the PK merge file Download PK merge filereceived. You are a clinical pharmacokineticist working for Company Y, you are responsible for analyzing and reporting pharmacokinetic data from this renal impairment study.

    Loess regression in phoenix winnonlin